Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Black and White Wednesday

We went on a hike over the weekend, so I thought I would share some photos from that. It was gorgeous. Oregon really has some beautiful waterfalls. 

Yes, I was wearing shorts, but this shirt I wore to keep me warm was my uncles and he is rather tall, and I am not, so it fit me like a dress.

We hiked down behind that waterfall, but my camera died so we didn't get any pictures of that unfortunately.

This was just one of the falls, there were many, of all sizes.


  1. That hike looks like a dream. Wonderful.

    Marla @

  2. That waterfall is awesome! What a great place to visit!

  3. I love the waterfall! It looks like a cool place to visit!

  4. lovely black and white shot - all of them are beautiful!
