Wednesday, June 22, 2011

It's Wednesday Again...

I have been such a bad blogger. Between a 40hr a week internship, 2 online classes, a garden to water every evening, and exercise classes at the gym after work every day, I have no time!

A usual day in the life of Marissa goes like this-

6:15  - Wake up, Eat Breakfast, Get ready
7:30  - Leave for work
8:00  - Start work
12:30  - Eat lunch
5:00 - Leave work, Go to the gym
5:30  - Attend one of three workout classes, I usually alternate them
6:30  - Go home
6:45 - Water the garden
7:00 - Do some homework (ugh...homework during the summer is the worst!)
9:00 - Make my lunch for the next day
9:30 - Take a shower
10:00 - Get in bed, call Jon
10:30 - Go to sleep!

Then I do it ALL over again! So, as you can see, I should be doing homework right now..... but I am not. 

People ask me how wedding planning is coming along... but there is not a lot you can do when you are 4.5 hours away from home. However, on Sunday when Jon was here, we stopped by a church garage sale that is held every weekend. They normally have great stuff and awesome prices. It just so happened to be my lucky day, because everything was 1/2 off, so I bought a coffee table for our living room AND  typewriter, all for $10. We needed a new coffee table because apparently ours didn't belong to us and the people who owned it wanted it back...and the typewriter...well, I saw this picture below online and thought that was the cutest idea, to have a typewriter at your wedding, not necessarily to replace a guest book, but as a place where people can write a note, or tips on being married, or love quotes, anything they'd like really. So I'd been on the hunt for a typewriter and finally found one. It's completely manual and your fingers definitely get a workout using it!

We received our engagement pictures yesterday, and I am so happy with how they turned out. I wanted to do an old fashioned theme photo shoot, just because I think you can be so creative with it. So here are a few just so you can get an idea.

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